Online Banking

Online Banking

Now, Lion International Bank brings your branch just a few clicks away. With LionOnline, you don’t need to step out to make important transactions.

Key Services:

  • Account Administration Service: account information inquire, loan account information, exchange rate information and alert message services;
  • Fund Transfer Services: transfer of money to own account or third party account within the bank and transfer of money to walking customers;
  • Cheque and Issuing Standing Order Services: allows customers to make continuous payment for specific issue from their account, order Cheque books, Cheque stoppage, Cheque book inquiry and printing Cheque slip;
  • Beneficiary Management Services: allows customers to register their beneficiary’s information detail;
  • Multiple Transaction Authorization: customers are labelled to enforce dual or multiple accesses or authorization for transaction by adding staff’s signatory;
  • Multiple Transfer: allows customers to transfer fund to multiple accounts simultaneously; and
  • Corporate Salary Payment: allows customers to enter salary information and effect payment to their employees.

You can login to your LionOnline page by clicking one of the links below. If you are an individual customer, click ‘Personal’. And if you are a company, click on ‘Corporate’.


Contact Us

Tel: (+251) 11 662 60 00/60
Fax: (+251) 11 662 59 99
P.O.Box: 27026/1000 Addis Ababa
Address: Haile G.Selassie Avenue, Lex Plaza Building Addis Ababa, Ethiopia