

Saving Deposit Account

Saving Deposit Account is an interest bearing or non-interest bearing deposit that LIB renders for physical and legal persons (Individuals, Organizations and Associations) who fulfill the Bank’s requirement and are legal.

Anyone who has an identification card is eligible to open a saving account.

Saving accounts can be opened and/or operated by a legal agent in the name of principal, against producing a power of attorney, which shall be attested by the bank.

Special Saving Account  

Special Saving Account stands for saving accounts operating with Cheque.

Anyonewho has ID and Tax Identification Number (TIN) is eligible to open a special saving account i.e. trade license is not necessary requirement to open the account provided that the branch manager is convinced of the customers integrity.

The account can be opened by companies, individual, partnerships, sole proprietors, clubs, etc… Check books are issued to make payments.

Demand Deposit Account 

Demand Deposit Account (current or checking account) is a non-interest bearing account and is opened or operated by literate customers only. The account holder can withdraw using Cheque.

Demand deposit account can be opened and/or operated by a legal agent in the name of principal, against producing a power of attorney.

Certificate of Deposit Account 

Certificate of Deposit is a type of deposit which is received for a certain period of time, minimum of three months, without movement and attracts higher interest rate than the prevailing saving interest rate.

Children Saving Account (አሀዱ የቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

Children are our next generations. When we think about their future, the responsibility is on the guardian’s/parent’s to make their fortune in safe hands and have sound financial stance. This saving account is designed to respond to children’s future financial needs like for education and other expenses. Save for your children’s future and see it growing with better compound interest rate than the normal saving.

Youth Saving Account (የታዳጊዎች ቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

“In youth we learn, in age we understand”; if you are youth whose age between 14 – 18 years, this is an ideal account for you to learn saving for your future vision. We avail saving box with passbook to support your saving and encourage your effort with better compound interest rate than the normal saving.

Women’s Saving Account (ጀግኒት የቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

“Women are the real architects of society”. Our women saving account is designed for women whose age reaches 18 years and above to achieve their envisioned goal by saving today. The account can be opened in person or jointly with other woman and it yields better compound interest rate than the normal saving.

Education Saving Account (አስኳላ ቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

Planning to invest on your or your loved ones’ education? Start saving today in our Education Saving Account and earn better compound interest rate than the normal saving. Adults or Parents (Guardians) can open and manage the account freely.

Entrepreneur Saving Account (የስራ መነሻ ቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

Becoming an entrepreneur is possible. Our Entrepreneur Saving Account is intended to serve adults for starting new business or enhance what he/she already has. Come and use the service freely and we will boost your effort with better compound interest rate than the normal saving.

Retirement Saving Account (እፎይታ ቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

“It is never too early to begin planning for retirement”; Our Retirement Saving Account is intended for adults wishing to save for retirement, manage the account freely and earn better compound interest rate than the normal saving. Come and enjoy our service.

Anbesa Platinum Saving Account (አንበሳ ፕላትኒየም ቁጠባ ሂሳብ)

Feeling happy in rainy days is everyone’s wish and your saving is a means to this end! Anbesa Platinum provides special treatment for people intending to save just for saving. The account encourages any natural or legal person(s) to save and earn better compound interest rate than the normal saving.

For further information, please visit your nearest Lion International Bank branches


Contact Us

Tel: (+251) 11 662 60 00/60
Fax: (+251) 11 662 59 99
P.O.Box: 27026/1000 Addis Ababa
Address: Haile G.Selassie Avenue, Lex Plaza Building Addis Ababa, Ethiopia